Modules Types and Their Settings

There’re 4 different modules types Modificator:

  • Sliders (for numeric values: Opacity, Diameter, etc)
  • Checkboxes (on and off switches)
  • Radio Buttons (one of mutually exclusive options: Blending Mode, Opacity Controller, etc)
  • Angular (used for brush rotation only)

Modules that are shared between different tools (like a tool Diameter for instance) also share settings but can be positiones and sized separately.

Common Module Settings

Modules Settings window allows to change settings of a modules. To open this window use a Flyout or RMB menu.


Some of settings are the same for all the modules types:

  • Show Module Name: toggle this off to hide a module name from the module. This works best for checkboxes or other modules in specific places to have a more compact layout. Here’s an example of a checkbox that turns Color Dynamics and 3 sliders for Dynamic Hue/Sat/Brightness as a very compact group. Since I know exactly what this checkbox and sliders are I din’t really need any name labels for them:
  • Visible for tools:: toggle this on/off to display/hide this model for a specific tool on a panel. These settings are also toggled from Select Modules to Show... window of a Flyout.
  • Background Color: set a background color for a module. Background color can be used to group specific settings: here I have a violet Diameter controller and a slider, an orange Opacity controller and a slider and some Color Dynamics modules: a checkbox and sliders. Without the names for the Controllers I still understand where they belong from the assigned color:


  • Click or Drag on sliders to change a value;
  • Shift+Click or Shift+Drag to snap to Snap Values;
  • Alt+Drag to nudge values — the value changes relatively to the marker position;

There are three sliders that are a little particular: three color sliders: Hue, Saturation and Lightness. Both Hue and Saturation keep the lightness of the color locked so that relative lightness of the color stays the same.

Slider specific settings:

  • 0% disabled the entire category: this setting is available only for Texture and Scatter sliders. When the setting is on, using the lowest value of the slider disables the catory;
  • Always Snap: with this option turned on the slider will always snap to every Snap Value. This can be useful when only particular slider values are used, say 0% and 100% of Wetness for a Mixer Brush;
  • Always Nudge: makes the slider always behave as if the Alt key was used to change the value: the value will change relatively to the marker position. it’s also possible to set custom Nudge Multiplier: 5 is the default number, the value will move slower than the cursor; 1 will move slider with the speed of the cursor; less than 1 — faster than cursor;
  • Min and Max: minimum and maximum values for a slider: sometimes it makes sense to limit a slider: for example to set a maximum Diameter or minimum Opacity;
  • Snap every: this value is used for snapping with Shift+Click;
  • Show Colors on Background (color sliders only): when this option is turned on color sliders will show active color on their background;


Checkboxes don’t have any particular settings. Oh man thanks for that.

Radio Buttons

There are several particular Radio Button modules

  • Eye Dropper module. It allows to change Eyedropper tool sample mode directly from the active tool. Here I’m changing sampling to Current Layer to paint with a color from a layer with Multiply blending mode and then quickly change sampling to All Layers:
  • Lasso module. Allows to quickly switch between lasso and polygonal lasso
  • Shape tool mode module. Allows to switch between Shape/Path/Pixels tool mode of vector tools (Rectangle, Ellipse, Line, etc)

Radio Buttons Settings:

  • Off disabled the entire category: when the setting is on, using the Off option of the radio module disables the catory: for example setting Opacity off disables the whole Transfer category;
  • Horizontal or Vertical: the way radio buttons are oriented;
  • Select Options to Show: it’s possible to limit the amount of options to only the ones that are needed: for example rarely you’ll want to show all 29 brush blending modes;


Angular module has almost the same settings as a Slider module with the exception of an absence of the minimum and maximum setting.